Monday, April 27, 2009

New Bikes

This year we received an income tax return (that hasn't happened since we got married), so we decided to get bicycles. James and I got cruisers and Spencer got a trailer. The little guy loves them. When he points to my bike he says "mama" and does the sign language for mom. He does the same thing for James' bike too. He is just sooooo cute (and smart to boot!). So our maiden voyage was around the neighborhood Saturday evening before dinner. Then on Sunday, we loaded up the car and headed to Lakes Park. We road around the trails and then went to his favorite playground, and then had a scoop of ice cream, and then after a final spin around the park we headed home. James pulls Spencer in the trailer. He says it's like pulling a parachute when the wind blows into our faces.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Train Ride

Grandma Valerie and Rick took Spencer on his very first train ride. He was a very excited little boy. He loves to ride and play with his "Choos". Grandma bought him a small black train toy for the ride.

James and I really enjoyed the train ride too! Though we did not go on the train, we got a Friday night to ourselves and a sleep-in Saturday morning along with a yoga class for me. It was very relaxing, being able to eat at a leisurely pace at Bistro 41 then come home to listen to music.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Peace River Canoe Trip

On Saturday April 19th, all three of us went on a canoe trip with Grandma Valerie and some friends. I was a little nervous at first, thinking that Spence would rock the boat and we would capsize. But we made it the whole way, 11.5 miles down stream, without tipping over. Spencer was totally cool with his hat and lifevest. When he saw Daddy paddling, he had to have his own paddle. We would paddle to shore and get out to swim, fossil hunt, eat, or whatever various times throughout the day. Spencer did not want to swim, the water was a little chilly. We did get him to nap mid day. I got in the middle of the canoe and he sat between my legs and eventually he fell asleep. We ended up making a "tent" with a beach towel so he could sleep and I could fossil hunt. It was a fun day.