Sunday, November 8, 2009

Grammy and PapPap Visit

My Grandma Laura's sister and brother-in-law, Gloria and Dave, live in Dade City, Florida.  Grandma and Bill came down to enjoy Florida for a little bit and we drove up to see them for the afternoon.  The afternoon was filled with food, play, and pictures.

There were a lot of different ourdoor toys.  Spencer liked this little red bug. 

Then he found the Corvette.  It was battery operated.  PapPap helped him get in.

And off he went.  He was doing laps around the backyard.  He almost ran a couple of people over while trying to learn how it worked.

Spencer with his PapPap.  The best picture of the day.  Spencer is smiling AND looking at the camera.

Mommy playing on the rope swing.  I have no upper body strength, so my trips were very short.

Daddy and Spencer in the little fort in the backyard.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Role Confusion....

Juat a minor little mix up in the Miller household today.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

We took Spencer trick or treating at Bell Tower Shops.  He had fun and he really said "Trick or Treat".  I made his Robin costume and Teddy had his Batman costume from a couple of years ago.  Teddy actually came with us Trick or Treating.

This is Spencer's little buddy, Calvin.  He slept through the entire Trick or Treating process. 

Later in the evening, we met up with Madelynn.  They were so suprised to see each other out at a public place and not at each others house!!! This was the best one I could get of them together.  Madelynn was Abby Cadabby, from Sesame Street.

This is the little guy super tired from Trick or Treating.  we got dinner to go that evening and he was relaxing while eatting.

Later that night, we went to a Halloween party with Rita and Grant (Madelynn's parents).  We split a sitter and got all dressed up.  I also made our costumes.  I was Cleopatra and James was Caesar.

Grant was a Cowboy and Rita was a Native American.  Grant had lost his accessories by the time this was taken.  He had a tiny little hat and some cap guns.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patches

We visited two different patches this season.  We purchased two pumpkins from the first patch and one of the little buggers rotted before we could carve.  Actually we never carved the other, it's auntumn decortion on the stairs.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Spencer!!!

For Spencer's second birthday, I decided to have a Music class party.  We go to these every week and the Little Guy really enjoys them.  He always says that we are going to "sing and dance."  So I invited a bunch of friends and we all sang and danced together.  I believe that everyone had a lot of fun, including the parents!
This is the group that attended the party.
The kids in the parachute for the "Merry Go Round" song.
Spencer playing a drum during the "play along" part of the party.

My little guy getting ready to blow out the candels on his delicious homemade chocolate cupcakes.  Now, whenever he sees a cupcake he says "Happy Cupcake!"  Too cute!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Big Boy Bed!!!

So, Daddy thought it was time to convert to a big boy bed. Spencer was so excited. We took the front of his crib off. There is a gate on his threshold so, he wouldn't be able to roam about at night. He was sooooo happy. He spent the majority of the morning playing in his room.

He now has his own personal "jump jump". Putting him down for the first nap was okay, but he woke up screaming after about 45 minutes. We think he fell out.

Bed time was good as well. He went right to sleep, no fussing or anything. At around 10pm, James checked on him and found him in the floor! He was out cold.
The next day for nap James put him down and this was a struggle. He did not want to do it at all. I had to run errands and was home in about 1.5 hours. James said that after about an hour fight, he had to put the front back onto the bed. It's a crib again. Spencer has not mentioned it since. I think we will keep it this way until he can get out on his own or he grows too tall for the bed.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tate's 2nd Birthday

I told you it was birthday season. Spencer's crazy little buddy, Tate, turned two. It was a water themed party. Swimming, Slip n' Slide, Nemo.... this is Spencer slipping and sliding. Well, Daddy had to slide him down the plastic. James would hold him and Spencer would count " 1-2" and James would say three and slide him down. (He can now count to three!!! a week later.)

Mommy and Spencer enjoying some Nemo birthday cupcakes! They were covered in Swedish Fish. One of my favorite candies, and they were all over the place. Random bowls of Swedish Fish. I had a belly ache when we left.

"No pictures please, I'm eating!"